As an advertising and sales manager for a major corporation, I am often asked how does regulatory compliance solution affects my role? My answer to this question is that marketing is part of the culture of any organization and that as an advertising and sales manager, I have the responsibility to enforce the policies of our company. We all know there are rules and regulations that protect us from receiving unwarranted calls or complaints. There are investigations that are run, and audits that are conducted to ensure that we are following those rules and regulations, so why would anyone think that having great knowledge and understanding of the policies and regulations would in any way change the way that they conduct themselves?
One of the primary goals of advertising and sales is to generate new customers. And in order to ensure that we are doing everything in our power to maximize the potential of new customer acquisition, we must have a solid understanding of the current landscape of the marketplace.
How does marketing compliance affect the way that we communicate with our customers?
All across the world, there are thousands of new small businesses starting every day. While many of these companies may not seem like a real threat to your overall revenue stream, what if one day, those hundreds of new small businesses outnumber your current level of sales? Would you still have the financial resources to continue serving the customer base, or would you find yourself looking for other employment? While the answer may be easy or difficult, it certainly has a significant impact on everything that you do, from marketing to communications to operations.
As you begin to move towards creating a marketing strategy that will help you fulfill the future needs of your customers, what does marketing compliance mean to you? First and foremost, you must understand that if everything that you do is correctly reported on and monitored, your company can continue to operate as normal even during times when everything else seems to be functioning normally.
Monitoring everything that your company does go beyond simple auditing at the end of the year; it extends to everything that you do at the strategic, operational, and creative levels of your business. Keeping your organization’s marketing compliance in check means that your company will not only be able to successfully compete in today’s marketplace but will be able to successfully compete over the long term.
Enforcing marketing compliance is important in keeping your company’s goals and objectives in line. It is not enough to just implement strategies and procedures; your company must do everything in its power to remain profitable and successful. If you fail to take aggressive steps to monitor and enforce your own policies and procedures, you could find that your business suffers a dramatic loss in revenue and reputation as a result.
Everything that you do, from marketing to communications to operations, must be carefully monitored and controlled to maintain your company’s competitive edge and stay a step ahead of your competitors.